Visualising Conic Sections

In the WebGL canvas in this article, the user can visualize conic sections by altering the coefficients of the formula above the canvas. The conic section is shown for z = 1. Conic sections are defined by the quadratic form ax² + by² + 2cxy + 2dxz + 2eyz + fz² = 0. Aliasing is reduced by implementing rudimentary anisotropic filtering as discussed in …

Geometry Shader-based 2D Shadows

For the lecture Image Synthesis at the TU München, I adapted the two algorithms shadow volumes and shadow mapping for the use in 2D scenes. In the canvas above you can test one of the two algorithms - shadow mapping. At first I implemented the two algorithms using C++ and OpenGL. Both make use of geometry shaders and layered depth maps for performant rendering. However, unfortunately neither of …